31 January, 2025

Following an accessibility audit, our Digital Secretary, Anna Talley, and Senior Administrator, Dr. Jenna Allsopp-Douglas, have been working closely with our web developer Ten4 to improve the Society’s website to meet accessibility requirements.
Updates included:
Navigation updates
○ Underline added to active page in navigation bar
○ Larger menu and menu text (mobile)
○ Open menu no longer a split screen and a close icon added (mobile)
Updated colour palette to improve contrast
Touch target size (mobile) improved (more padding added to links, larger pagination). This ensures users can tap links on smaller screens.
Updated homepage layout using a grid structure
○ Updated layout also means navigating through the site for keyboard users is less confusing
Skip to main content button added so users using a keyboard can navigate the site without having to go through the full navigation every time
Aria-labels added to links and buttons where necessary (homepage logo, mobile menu toggle, social icons). This is so users who use screenreaders have information about the link they’re clicking
Adjacent links are unique. On listing items the image and the title were both linked to a page, this can be very annoying for users navigating using the keyboard. This has been updated and users now only have to tab once to go to next item on listing
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