7 October 2023, 2 - 4:30pm

Convened by Alexandra Banister (Design History Society Ambassador and PhD student at Oxford Brookes University) and Sally-Anne Huxtable (Design History Society Chair and Associate Professor at London Metropolitan University).

The Design History Society invited proposals from speakers worldwide for an online symposium dedicated to ‘Designing the Domestic: Innovation in the Home’. The aim of the event is to highlight innovative design objects throughout history and to consider how we shape objects and spaces and how they shape us in our domestic environments. We welcomed and encouraged proposals from a diverse range of speakers at any stage of their academic careers, covering a broad spectrum of design disciplines from anywhere in the globe.

This symposium is free and held online (via Zoom) so we warmly invite everyone to attend.

REGISTER VIA TICKETSOURCE: https://www.ticketsource.co.uk...

ACCESS VIA ZOOM: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83082804958

Programme Overview

2pm BST - Part One: Spaces

There Live People I Do (Not) Know: House, Habitability and Human Relations by Bárbara Fonseca

The Bruynzeel Kitchen: On Body Movements and Household Reform by Selin Geerinckx & Els De Vos

Jaalis in the Chandigarh Style: Shaping the Modern Indian Domestic by Priya Gupta

Billboard Space: Domesticity and Housing on Airbnb by Paloma Carignani & Gabriela Gugliottella



3pm BST - Part Two: Objects

A Certain Curtain Charm: Rufflette Tape as Innovation in Domestic Curtain Making by Dr Zoë Hendon

‘Full Musical Honours’ : the 1950s Friedland Westminster Door Chime by Joana Albernaz Delgado

Ping Feng Folding Screens by Haoyang Wang & Yi Zhang

The Modern Torchiere by Dr Emeline Brule

Cuias and Biodesign in the Amazon Region by Andrea Bandoni

Gender, Craft, and Trade: A Sociocultural Exploration of Home-Based Maker Machines by Sinem Görücü


Closing Remarks

Download a full programme of abstracts and speaker biographies HERE